Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Each year the Northeast Area Girls Ministries sponsors a Christmas party for Teen Challenge of Greater Cleveland.  We provide each student with a basket of Christmas gifts as well as spending an evening with them and serving them dinner.  Many churches in the area participate in this event even if they do not currently have an active Girls Ministries programs.  Church bodies, Youth Group, Royal Rangers, and Women’s Ministries have all worked to provide baskets for the men.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  This year the party will be held at Gateway Assembly of God on Friday, December 7, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

Here is what we do.  For staff, this year we would like to provide them with a $50.00 Wal-mart gift card.  Each student receives a laundry basket full of gifts.  I have enclosed a list of suggested items for each basket.  The list is comprised of items that everyone can use.  The basket does not need to contain all of the items on the list.  If your church is interested in sponsoring a basket(s) you will receive a second specific list for the student(s) you sponsor in early November. This list will have the name and specific sizes for your student. Each church also provides a dinner for attendees from their church, the staff, and the students for which they provided a basket.  This year Pastor Ken Keene will be ministering as part of the service.  Worship will be led by the worship team from Victory Lane A/G, and girls will have the opportunity to minister as well.

Here is a list of items that every basket needs.  Please wrap all items and place them in a laundry basket or rubber maid tote.  Please put the name of your gentleman on the basket.  You will receive a list of items specific to your gentleman in November.  Thank you for your patience willingness to participate in this event.

Shampoo                                          Razors
Conditioner                                       Hand Cream
Shaving Cream                                 Deodorant (not antiperspirant)
Comb/Brush                                     Pens
Nail Clippers                                    Hi-Liters
Bar Soap                                          Notebook paper
Kleenex                                            Calendar
Tube Socks                                      Blanket
Dress Socks                                     Wash Clothes
Band-Aids                                         Towel        
Tie                                                     Hat
Work Gloves                                     Scarf
Dress Gloves                                     Q-tips
Chap Stick                                        Wallet
Tooth Brush                                      Boxed Christmas Cards
Tooth Paste                                       Stamps

If your church is interested in participating or you have any questions, please contact me at (330)583-2071 or email me at pcfaatz@embarqmail.com.

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